Celia Cruz impersonator triumphs on Got Talent Chile

Joseph Sanz is a big fan of The Queen of Salsa.

The Venezuelan Joseph Sanz has established himself as an imitator of Celia Cruz and is currently succeeding in the television show Got Talent Chile with his performances as the Cuban singer.

In the imitations of this artist, not only does the incredible physical resemblance and the voice he achieves with Celia stand out, but also the great respect and admiration he feels for the Guarachera de Cuba.

"I hope you liked this tribute I made to The Queen of Salsa, Celia Cruz, in commemoration of her final performance. Celia is very important to me, I have learned so much from her about life, about not giving up in difficult times, about overcoming my fears, and understanding that life is a journey through this world. Thank you Got Talent Chile and your team for this opportunity. See you soon in the semifinal," Joseph wrote in a post on his TikTok account.

In this talent show presentation, the Venezuelan performer delivered an impressive interpretation of Celia Cruz's classic song "Yo viviré" (I Will Survive).

Since the audition for the show in which she sang "Quimbara," both the judges and the audience were stunned by the tone of her voice so similar to the Cuban's, the movements so alike, and the wardrobe and makeup that make her look remarkably similar to the artist.

However, even more impressive is the transformation process of Joseph Sanz to become Celia before each performance.

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Deneb González

Entertainment Editor at CiberCuba

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