A man threatens his roommate with a machete in Hialeah over bathroom cleaning.

Carlos Ferley Ruiz García, 37, was arrested this Sunday and faces a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

A man is accused of threatening to kill his apartment roommate in Hialeah with a machete after the latter asked him to clean the bathroom in the residence, according to police.

Carlos Ferley Ruiz García, 37 years old and a native of Colombia, was arrested this Sunday, after the victim reported to the authorities, and is facing a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

The victim, identified by Telemundo51 as Luis Alonso Díaz, stated to the channel that an argument arose between them when he asked Ruiz to clean the bathroom of the house they have been sharing for three months.

Angry and apparently drunk, the accused grabbed the machete, waved it at the victim, and urged them to leave the room. "Let's kill each other," he said, according to the report from the Hialeah Police Department cited by local media.

Agents rushed to the scene after receiving a report of a disturbance near the block 50 of West 17th Street, around 11 p.m. on Sunday.

At the scene, they found Ruiz still holding the machete in his right hand; they ordered him to drop the weapon and immediately detained him.

Alonso assured the authorities that he "feared for his life" believing that Ruiz intended to kill him if he left the room.

Another person who also resides in the apartment and witnessed the events confirmed the victim's account of the incident.

Ruiz was taken to the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center and appeared in court this Monday.

Judge Mindy Glazer ordered him to stay away from the victim, with whom he cannot have any type of contact. He was set a bond of $5,000 and also has a hold due to an immigration process, Telemundo51 reported.

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