A Cuban shows how migrants live in pensions in Uruguay: "13 in one house"

According to a migrant, the housing has a kitchen, two bathrooms, a washing machine, rooms without ventilation -he did not say how many- and "cockroaches everywhere."

A Cuban showed in a video how migrants from Uruguay live, who have to rent up to 13 people in a boarding house (as those rental houses are called there).

The internet user identified as El Soñador shared a recording on his TikTok account showing the common areas of a tall house where 13 non-family members live.

According to the report, the house consists of a kitchen, two bathrooms, a washing machine, rooms without ventilation - did not specify how many - and "cockroaches everywhere."

The reality of the immigrant, what do you think about this? he asked friends and followers.

The Dreamer did not refer to the topic of rental prices.

Last week, the government of Uruguay signed a decree that will allow thousands of Cubans in that country to resolve their migratory status, a benefit that undocumented individuals have been requesting for months.

The regulation signed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior will allow them to legalize themselves through "residence by rootedness," a legal figure that benefits asylum seekers who did not meet all the requirements.

Luis Lacalle Pou's administration acknowledged that out of the 20,000 beneficiaries of the measure, the majority are Cubans.

A census published in 2023 confirmed that Cuban migrants represent 20% of the foreign population in Uruguay.

Of them, thousands are undocumented and cannot find jobs or schools, a situation from which they will now be able to escape.

Last April, it was revealed that around 5,000 Cubans were in a "migration limbo", as they did not have refugee status and could not give up their asylum application to apply for permanent residency, which would allow them to reunify with their families.

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