Seidy the Girl helps her mother buy a house in the United States

Seidy La Niña maintains a close connection with her mother, Carmen Díaz, whom she considers her professional driving force and the person who brought her back to life after her accident.

The Cuban singer Seidy La Niña celebrated on social media that her mom had bought a "little house" and also being able to help her in that endeavor.

"With effort and sacrifice, everything is achieved. With effort and sacrifice, everything is achieved. Congratulations, mom. It makes me very happy to have helped you get your little house," the artist wrote on Instagram, where she also thanked the realtor who took care of managing the purchase.

No further details have emerged about the house purchased by the artist's mother, but immediately in the comments section of the publication, dozens of the singer's followers expressed their happiness about the good news.

And it is that the Cuban singer Seidy Carrera -known as Seidy La Niña- maintains a close connection with her mother, Carmen Díaz.

Both often share messages full of love on social media, and Seidy has explained on several occasions the fundamental role her mother had in her return to music after the serious traffic accident that left the singer between life and death.

That bad moment served as a life lesson and brought them even closer together.

In May of this year, Seidy La Niña released "Mami," a touching song dedicated to her mother on the occasion of Mother's Day, which came accompanied and starred by the artist herself and her mom.

In March, La Mulatica celebrated her 30th birthday surrounded by the affection of her family, producers, and friends. However, this did not prevent her mother, who works as a makeup artist at Telemundo, from preparing a special surprise for her.

"Really, my mom goes all out with surprises," Seidy La Niña wrote on that occasion alongside a beautiful video showing how her mother prepared a surprise party for her on the occasion of her 30th birthday. In the footage, she was led by her mother to the back of a house, where Seidy was surprised by friends and family.

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