Mailén: "Enjoying life six years ago was a utopia."

The sole survivor of the 2018 plane crash maintains her positive attitude towards life.

Mailén Díaz Almaguer © Facebook/Mailén Díaz Almaguer
Mailén Díaz AlmaguerPhoto © Facebook/Mailén Díaz Almaguer

The young Cuban woman Mailén Díaz Almaguer, the only survivor of the plane crash that occurred in Havana in May 2018, shared an emotional message on Friday with her friends and followers on social media. This message once again testifies to how her positive attitude towards life has been and continues to be key in her recovery in all aspects.

The idea is to enjoy life with all its nuances. Today, I enjoy it, because six years ago, doing so was a utopia," the young woman wrote on Facebook in a veiled reference to the tragedy that changed her life and in which 112 people, including her husband, died.

"Incredible how God sends us signs of love through the sun. I see the sun in the shape of a heart. And you?" Mailén added, choosing a beautiful photo taken from her backyard to illustrate her heartfelt reflection.

Facebook screenshot/Mailén Díaz Almaguer

This same week, shortly after the sixth anniversary of the tragedy, without making direct reference to the sad event, the 25-year-old woman shared a message in which she reaffirmed her Christian faith and assured that she continues to be "surrendered at the feet of Jesus."

"Surrendered at the feet of Jesus and in love with his works," she wrote.

In the last six years, the young woman has proven to be a fighter, and her spirit and strength are an inspiration to thousands of Cubans who admire her.

After the accident in which her first husband died and she lost a leg, leaving her disabled, she faced a complex stage of physical and psychological recovery.

Mailén has proven to be a woman who does not give up in the face of life's adversities. She is very Christian and this has been her inspiration.

Last November, a diploma course in Theological-Ministerial Training was successfully completed. The course was conducted by Global Action, an international organization that trains religious leaders.

Born and raised in Holguín, Mailén has been living in Havana since the accident, after buying a house with the money she received as compensation. She lives in the Siboney neighborhood, Playa municipality, close to the clinic where she is being treated.

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