They choose a city in Florida as the best place to live in the US.

Discover which city in Florida was named the best place to live in the U.S. for its quality of life and job market.

Naples Florida © Instagram City of Naples
Naples, FloridaPhoto © Instagram City of Naples

Naples, a city located on the Gulf of Mexico in Florida, was chosen as the best place to live in the United States according to US News & World Report.

The US magazine detailed in its report "2024-2025 Best Places to Live" that this achievement is due to Naples' outstanding scores in the categories of job market and quality of life, surpassing over 149 other major cities in the country.

US News & World Report introduced changes to its methodology this year, focusing on specific city data instead of metropolitan areas.

In addition, the value and labor market categories received greater weight in the analysis, contributing to Naples' rise from sixth place in 2023 to first place in 2024.

In the ranking, Boise, the capital of Idaho, obtained the second place thanks to its high scores in value, job market, and quality of life. It is followed by Colorado Springs, Colorado; Greenville, South Carolina; and Charlotte, North Carolina, completing the top five positions.

Other standout cities include Raleigh, North Carolina, in sixth place, and Huntsville, Alabama, in seventh, with the latter being the second most affordable city according to the report. Virginia Beach, Virginia, and Austin, Texas, rank eighth and ninth respectively, with Boulder, Colorado, rounding out the top 10.

Erika Giovanetti, reporter and expert in loans at US News & World Report, highlighted that "growing concerns about career prospects, housing affordability, and the rising cost of goods and services are reflected in this year's rankings."

Despite being an expensive place to live, Naples offers a strong job market, ranking third in that category, and has a low crime rate, positioning itself in 12th place in that metric.

Naples has proven to be a city that combines sunshine, outdoor recreational opportunities, and a robust economy, attracting residents seeking a high quality of life in a beautiful, prosperous, and safe environment.

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