Jorge Junior explodes against Cuban institutions for allowing the clash between El Taiger and Ja Rulay in Varadero.

"This is the biggest lack of respect I have ever seen": Jorge Junior sends a strong message to Cuban institutions and the organizers of the event in Varadero for allowing the confrontation between El Taiger and Ja Rulay. What do you think?

Jorge Junior sobre El Taiger y Ja Rulay © Jorge Junior / El Taiger / Ja Rulay / Instagram
Jorge Junior on El Taiger and Ja RulayPhoto © Jorge Junior / El Taiger / Ja Rulay / Instagram

The reggaeton artist Jorge Junior has been one of the first exponents of the Cuban urban genre to publicly comment on the fight between El Taiger and Ja Rulay that took place this Sunday in Varadero, Cuba.

The leader of Los 4 and cousin of El Taiger has sent a strong message through the official Facebook profile of his group directed at Cuban institutions and event organizers for allowing the reggaeton artists to be part of the same event despite the existing disagreements between them.

Likewise, he accuses them of being irresponsible and guilty in case the dispute between El Taiger and Ja Rulay gets out of hand and ends in a bigger problem.

This is the biggest lack of respect I have seen. I am going to tell something to the institutions and to those who are in charge of these events. You know very well that these young men have just come out of a recent problem and still you invite them together to an event without taking the measures for this not to happen," wrote Jorge Junior.

Next, add: "From here, I say I hope nothing bad happens and things don't escalate further because if they do, I blame the owners of this event and the companies handling this for their poor work. It seems to me that they are doing this on purpose and have no idea how this could end. They still have time to prevent it before they regret it. Two young men who are at their moment, and now look at the situation they are in."

What do you think?


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Yare Grau

Born in Cuba, but living in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. Currently, I am part of the CiberCuba team as a writer in the Entertainment section.

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