Jorge Junior meets with El Taiger in Miami

Urban singers brag about their friendship and family unity on social networks.

Jorge Junior y El Taiger en Miami © El Taiger / Instagram
Jorge Junior and El Taiger in Miami Photo © El Taiger / Instagram

Cuban reggaeton artists Jorge Junior and El Taiger They have met again in the city of Miami, Florida, a family reunion that their followers on social networks have witnessed.

The cousins published shared images on their Instagram accounts in which they can be seen together inside a very comfortable and confident apartment.

Jorge Junior arrived in La Ciudad del Sol on the afternoon of Thursday, May 9, with his group Los 4, as part of a professional trip in which they will perform concerts in various places in the country.

From the airport, the reggaeton artist made a live broadcast on his Facebook account to inform all his fans that he was on American soil.

And the arrival of the urban music singer to Miami has caused great excitement within the city's delivery entertainment, due to the controversies in which she is involved from time to time on social networks.

In fact, there have been several negative comments that can be read in the post, alluding to the fact that both Jorge Junior and El Taiger are communists and belong to the Cuban State Security.

"State security in Miami", "Meeting of the National Revolutionary Police" or "That's it, there is a PNR meeting on 8th Street, what to see is not easy", you can read in the publication.

What do you think?


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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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