They rescue a man after falling from an abandoned bridge in Cienfuegos

The man had a hip and femur fracture.

Hombre accidentado y el puente © Facebook/Salvando Vidas
Man injured and the bridgePhoto © Facebook/Saving Lives

Cuban firefighters rescued a young man who fell from an abandoned bridge in Cienfuegos on Monday.

The officialist profile "Salvando Vidas" reported on Facebook that the incident occurred in the "San Lázaro" People's Council, where on Monday night, the rescuers arrived to help a man identified as Ignacio, who had fallen from the iron bridge over the local river, which is no longer in use and is in a serious state of disrepair.

Members of the Fire Department arrived at the scene and after finding Ignacio, they provided him with first aid. Then, they immobilized him for evacuation on a stretcher.

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The man had fallen into a narrow place, and it was difficult to get him out of there, the publication highlights.

He stated that the victim had a hip and femur fracture, so he was transferred to Gustavo Aldereguía Lima Hospital.

Other details of Ignacio's fall from the mentioned bridge are unknown, which has been disused for several years.

In 2022, the newspaper 5 de Septiembre dedicated a chronicle to him in which he was called "retired bridge" and recalled that countless tons of sugar, honey, wheat, and rice passed through it.

Dozens of bridges in Cuba are in critical condition without the government having the resources to rescue them.

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