Mother of disabled person denounces impact of power outages on quality of life of her son

"I make an effort to feed him as best as I can, but with the power outages, I feel powerless," acknowledged the desperate woman.

El joven padece el calor sin paliativos © Facebook / María de los Ángeles Cuadrados Gueges
The young man suffers from the heat without relief.Photo © Facebook / María de los Ángeles Cuadrados Gueges

Power outages are affecting the quality of life of a disabled young Cuban, reported his mother through social media.

The user identified on Facebook as María de los Ángeles Cuadrados Gueges shared images of the sweat that drenched her son's body during a power outage.

Facebook screenshot / María de los Ángeles Cuadrados Gueges

"How much will he be able to endure?" wondered the woman in her post, concerned about the quality of life of her 37-year-old son, who is bedridden due to his medical condition.

The high temperatures recorded in April and May in Cuba, which reached record levels of heat never before seen on the island, are making the population's long hours of power outages even more unbearable.

"I try to feed him as best as I can, but with the power outages, I am powerless," admitted Cuadrados Gueges in response to a comment on his post.

The young man, identified as Alejandro (Alex), lives confined to a wheelchair. The disease he suffers from and other details about his health status are unknown.

Indignant over the lack of electricity supply, Alex's mother complained about the indifference of the authorities who decide to impose a policy of power cuts without taking into account the situation of vulnerable families, the sick, and the elderly.

"No one cares if the one who can't resist dies," said Cuadrados Gueges, desperate about the situation she must face to maintain the minimum care required for her son's well-being.

The user, apparently a teacher, received supportive and empathetic comments for her difficult situation. "How sad the times we are living in Cuba! Strength to all, especially to us mothers," expressed an internet user.

"How sad! My God, put your hand on that poor wretch who is not at fault for the hardships we are going through. My heart aches to see this kind of injustices," said another Cuban woman.

"Such a shame, Prof! I always think about the sick and children. This situation is unbearable. I'm so sorry!" another woman conveyed to the distressed mother.

Facebook screenshot / María de los Ángeles Cuadrados Gueges

On April 9th, Cuadrados Gueges wrote on Facebook: "Today he turns 37, and life by his side has taught me that there is nothing better than giving everything for the most unconditional of loves. May God allow me many more years with my boy. Happy Birthday, Ale!"

A lifetime dedicated to caring for her son; a lifetime of love, sacrifices, suffering, and dedication that has left as the only reward the well-being of a disabled son who, now, with the power outages, suffers from the heat and insomnia like so many other thousands of people in his condition in Cuba.

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