A Cuban mother proudly explains her progress after nearly a year in the United States.

A young Cuban mother chose to illustrate her progress in the United States with the remarkable improvements she has experienced in the transportation sector since she arrived.

A young Cuban mother who has been residing in the USA for almost a year summarized in a video that has gone viral on TikTok some of her progress since living in American territory, choosing to illustrate it with the notable improvements she has experienced in the transportation sector.

Yuliet Mijenes says that she started taking her son to school by walking, which meant a total of eight miles per day (almost 9 kilometers) because it was two round trips to the school.

Some progress came to them when they were given a small "bike" on which mother and son made the daily trips.

However, over time life became more complex and distances longer, as it was already school, working on the street, and "solving problems", which led the young woman to buy an electric bicycle.

However, she couldn't rely on the bicycle for rainy days, which forced her to use Uber on some occasions, a service that increased her daily expenses and set a new goal: to buy a car.

"Now we move around in a cart, in a transportation, as some say. Well, I am happy. I believe that in less than a year, I have achieved quite a bit. Nothing, above the mess... Everything takes a process," concluded Yuliet, whose emotional story has over 600 comments and 6 thousand likes so far.

In a more recent video, Yuliet made reference to a less pleasant reality, as she mentioned that since she arrived, she has already had to move three times.

“Emigrating is like a rollercoaster that goes up and down... and goes through dark places where you don't know what's going to happen. It's like that,” reflected the young woman as she carried her belongings in bags to her car.

In the comments section, her friends and followers encouraged her and urged her to put effort and determination into those less easy stretches of her path as an emigrant.

In recent years, over half a million Cubans have arrived in the United States through different means.

In that tide of beginnings, hopes, and constant challenges, many have documented on social media their joys or sorrows, triumphs or frustrations, goals achieved or yet to be fulfilled, as well as advice and supportive gestures for those who dream of emigrating or are already on their way to making it happen.

Last August, a young man explained how he bought his first car as soon as he had his papers, and revealed what his secret was to achieve that and other goals after emigrating.

I arrived in this country just a year ago, a year and five months ago... Since I arrived, I was focused, working, saving to better myself, and within a year, when I got my papers, a few days later I was able to buy my car, with effort, with sacrifice," explained the Cuban man, proudly pointing to his white Nissan Sentra.

On a less friendly side of migration, a few months earlier, in June, another young Cuban resident in Texas asked those living on the island to understand that things are not as easy as they may seem from the outside, and that newcomers cannot help everyone on the island, but only their closest family circle.

And so, Cubans in the United States continue moving forward, each at their own pace and according to their possibilities, but most are aware that there is no going back, only moving forward.

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