Bodies of young women who passed away in Las Vegas arrive in Cuba, and relatives denounce obstacles for their transfer.

The bodies arrived in Cuba on Saturday, and the families continue to wait in Santiago, even though the service was paid for from abroad. "To save fuel, they placed the girls with one more corpse in each hearse."

Thay Brindis y Eliany Gómez © Facebook de ambas
Thay Brindis and Eliany GómezPhoto © Both Facebook pages

The bodies of Thay Brindis and Eliany Gómez, two Cuban women who died last March in Las Vegas, arrived in Havana on Saturday, and as of Tuesday morning, they had not yet been handed over to their families in Santiago de Cuba to say their final goodbyes.

Madelayne López Isaac, Thay's mother, denounced that both families have been victims of the inefficiency, corruption, and lack of empathy, sensitivity, and ethics of the Cuban government and all its leaders.

"The provincial director of funeral services in Havana, a certain Mujica from the Calzada and K funeral home, promised us since last Saturday that yesterday, Monday the 27th, he would transfer the lifeless bodies of the girls at 5:00 a.m. local time, and then they told us at 5:00 p.m., and then they told us at 5:00 a.m. today, Tuesday the 28th, and they still have not taken them out of Havana," the post on Facebook reported.

Facebook screenshot / Madelayne López Isaac

According to Madelayne, her sister called the funeral home at 7:00 am and the hearses had not left yet. She was told that the bodies were inside the funeral cars, but they were preparing the vehicles.

"A service that was paid for from abroad in foreign currency, they charged us again in worthless national currency and still haven't delivered it to my daughter," protested.

Moreover, in order to save fuel, they added another body to each hearse with the girls, that is to say, each car is accompanied by two bodies from different parts of the Granma province, one to be taken to Media Luna and the other to Bayamo," he pointed out.

Madelayne stressed that her daughter and the other young woman have been deceased for over two months and during that time they have been well protected in the United States.

Their concern grows knowing that in Cuba the same conditions do not exist, the funeral cars are not air-conditioned for those cases, the temperatures are very high, and power outages are constant.

"These shameless individuals wanted to change the sarcophagi because, according to them, the two girls did not fit in the boxes that arrived from abroad. They had already warned us that they were going to ask for the exchange under the justification of making an immediate transfer. Since we did not agree to their request, they left the girl there," he denounced.

"My Cuban brothers, take to the streets, this country can't take it anymore," he concluded.

Thay Brindis, 29 years old, passed away on March 24 in Las Vegas. She was originally from the Sueño neighborhood in Santiago de Cuba and had a young daughter who remains on the island.

She died alongside her friend Eliany Gómez. According to versions circulated on social media by acquaintances, presumably, the young women suffered a fatal poisoning due to a drug overdose that someone put in their drinks while they were at a bar.

Family members and friends asked for help to repatriate their bodies and give them a burial in their hometown of Santiago de Cuba.

Accounts on the GoFundMe platform were created to raise money for the funeral expenses and the transportation of their bodies to Cuba, so that their families could bid them farewell.

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