Double homicide in Cienfuegos: A man kills his wife and a storekeeper

The alleged murderer fled.

De izquierda a derecha: el presunto asesino, su esposa y el bodeguero asesinado © Collage Redes sociales
From left to right: the alleged killer, his wife, and the murdered shopkeeperPhoto © Social Media Collage

A man committed a double murder on Tuesday morning in the city of Cienfuegos after first killing his wife and then a shopkeeper who worked at a store near the couple's home.

The victims are named Ailen Tartabull and Víctor Manuel Ojeza Alpízar, a shopkeeper who was known as "El Chino".

The double crime -apparently motivated by jealousy- occurred on 50th Avenue between 43rd and 45th, the address where the alleged feminicide lived with his wife, as some sources reveal.

According to the most widely spread version on social media, after killing his wife, the man went to the warehouse - apparently located next to the house - and killed Víctor Manuel Ojeda.

The alleged aggressor, who fled after committing the two murders, has been identified as Adrián Cruz and has a young child in common with the murdered woman.

Facebook screenshot/Reporting crimes in Cuba

It seems that Adrian allegedly stabbed his wife years ago before having the child they have in common," internet user Alicia Alonso pointed out, adding that the presumed femicide had already been in prison for another murder in the past.

Facebook screenshot/Alicia Alonso

A recent publication in the Facebook group Denouncing Crimes in Cuba indicates the murderer could be trying to leave the country through some means before being caught, and there are even rumors that he left on a boat.

The alleged killer has a very good economic position, as he is the owner of a bar called "La Divina," as well as having "other businesses."

I am told that this man has not killed someone for the first time. His first victim was also his partner, whom he brutally murdered, and he only served 6 years in prison for the crime," wrote the group's administrator, Irma Broek, citing as the source the testimony of someone close to one of the victims, who added that several of Adrián Cruz's partners had suffered domestic violence.

The same publication clarifies that the two deceased individuals did not have any romantic relationship, and that it was all a result of "malicious gossip from ill-intentioned individuals."

Facebook screenshot/Reporting Crimes in Cuba

That wretch left great suffering in the relatives of the victims. Children who were left alone when they needed their father and mother the most. I had the pleasure of knowing the victim, Víctor Manuel Ojeda Alpízar, he was my friend, a good guy who only thought about giving everything to his son and helping others," wrote a friend of the murdered shopkeeper on social media.

He was a good friend, a good father, and is no longer with us because of a wretched murderer who, on top of everything, is a coward who fled after taking the lives of two innocent people," he added.

Until the publication of this note, neither official media nor feminist platforms have spoken out about the double murder.

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