Cuba claims to pay $1,000 to its doctors in Honduras.

The Medical College of Honduras criticizes that nationals are paid lower salaries.

Médicos cubanos en misiones © Trabajadores
Cuban doctors on missionsPhoto © Workers

The Cuban ambassador in Honduras, Juan Roberto Loforte, reported that Cuban doctors on a mission in the Central American country receive a monthly salary of approximately $1000, equivalent to about 25,000 lempiras.

In statements to the local press, the official highlighted that some doctors receive a higher amount symbolically, depending on their specialty and the area where they are providing the service, as reported by La Prensa newspaper.

After considering that they have "a decent salary," he/she assured that he/she did not have an exact figure because it depends on the specialty and the location where the doctors are located, as well as the pace of work.

"He can make around $1000 a month," explained the ambassador, who pointed out that the doctors are hired to work eight hours a day.

The islanders are distributed in the country's main hospitals, where they arrived as part of the so-called regime missions despite the opposition of the Honduran Medical Association.

That entity reports that some Cuban professionals could be receiving up to $2000 as a symbolic payment for their services, a salary higher than what local professionals receive.

Samuel Santos, President of the CMH, recently stated that in the case of Cubans, they are paid a salary of 2,000 USD, which they call a "stipend", which is higher than the fees received by Honduran professionals.

Santos told HRN radio station that there is no equity in terms of salaries, as while a Honduran specialist earns 35,000 lempiras, a Cuban will receive 2,000 dollars (about 49,520 lempiras).

In February, 89 Cuban doctors arrived in Honduras to work for two years in hospitals in the Central American nation.

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