"Why do you do this to me?": The funny reaction of a Cuban mother upon seeing that her daughter shared her on TikTok

The reaction of a Cuban mother upon discovering that her daughter shared a video of her on TikTok has gone viral, generating laughter and amusing comments among the Cuban community on the platform.

The reaction of a Cuban mother upon seeing that her daughter had uploaded a video of her to TikTok went viral. A comedic scene that the young woman shared on her social media account, where she goes by @marelys_cubanita, and has caused laughter among the Cuban community on the platform.

The video shows the scene in which the mother enters her daughter's room with her mobile phone in hand, reproaching her for having uploaded a video of herself to TikTok, which she discovered herself while browsing the platform.

"Marelys, look, really, you didn't upload any of that for TikTok, right? And what is this thing that I see? Why do you do this to me, silly?" the mother says, while her daughter cannot contain her laughter and records her once again, without her realizing it.

Among the dozens of laughing emoji comments, we found messages such as: "Oh, I'm peeing, let him wear his pants again," "That's how my husband gets. He finds out I posted it when the videos come out," or "Oh God, I watched this video a bunch of times, laughing so hard hahahaha I went to watch the other video."

Without a doubt, this Cuban mother is causing a sensation on her daughter's profile.

What do you think?


Stored in:

Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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