A Cuban woman's reaction to trying wasabi for the first time

A Cuban woman tried wasabi for the first time at a sushi restaurant, and her reaction was captured in a video that has gone viral on TikTok. Discover this moment full of laughs and surprises!

A Cuban woman captured her mother's reaction to trying wasabi for the first time at a sushi restaurant. A moment of laughter for Lucy (@lucytagonzales), who couldn't help but laugh as her mother tried to cope with the strong flavor of the spicy condiment, commonly used to accompany sushi.

After eating the wasabi directly, the Cuban woman tried to drink to extinguish the strong flavor and at one point even spit out the water she had drunk, all amid the laughter of her daughter and herself, who couldn't help but laugh.

"It turns out that it was my mom's first time at a sushi restaurant, a Japanese one, and we started ordering. She began to eat without knowing what wasabi was. Before I could tell her that it was spicy, she put half a tablespoon in her mouth," Lucy explained in the video, still laughing at this moment.

In reaction to the video, some internet users shared their own bad experiences with wasabi: "I also tried a big spoonful thinking it was mashed avocado. I threw up everything," "That wasabi is fire, once in Las Vegas I only smelled it and it went all the way up to my brain," "Something similar happened to me," or "Same thing happened to me, I thought it was guacamole."

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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