Yulien Oviedo opens fire against Oniel Bebeshito: "The day your artist sings like this, I retire"

"Sometimes you don't have to have a beautiful voice to show talent," a follower told her in her post.

Yulien Oviedo critica a Oniel Bebeshito © Yulien Oviedo / Oniel Bebeshito / Instagram
Yulien Oviedo criticizes Oniel Bebeshito.Photo © Yulien Oviedo / Oniel Bebeshito / Instagram

The Cuban urban music singer Yulien Oviedo has once again used his social media to launch a new poisoned dart at a colleague in the genre.

On this occasion, the singer of "El Yaris" targeted the Cuban reggaeton artist Oniel Bebeshito, publicly accusing him of not knowing how to sing.

This was captured in a video that Yulien Oviedo uploaded to his Instagram account, where he appears singing acapella a song by Oniel Bebeshito and then adds at the end of his performance: "The day your artist sings his song like this, I retire."

The rain of negative comments following the post made by the former member of La Charanga Habanera quickly appeared. The vast majority of his followers have accused him of being disrespectful and envious, for criticizing one of the Cuban reggaeton artists who currently enjoys the most success.

Let's see, friend Yuli, your artist doesn't sing like that, okay. But you are singing a song by that artist who is one of the most popular right now, to gain fame yourself, as you haven't been heard since the fifth version of the Yaris." "You're just envious because nobody even listens to you at home" or "Well, you learned it well but how do I explain that your carnival is over? Maybe Bebeshito doesn't sound like that, but he has lyrics, he has a catchy tune, he has his own style, and the public likes that, you have nothing. I accept that he doesn't sing like that, but sometimes you don't need a pretty voice to show talent," are some of the comments that can be read on Yulién Oviedo's post.

What do you think?


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Yare Grau

I am originally from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Valencia. Currently, I am part of the CiberCuba team as a writer in the Entertainment section.

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