Santiagueran in response to request to save electricity: "It is preferable for them to take us to live in the jungle"

Santiagueros are unhappy with the idea of saving electricity.

Apagón. Imagen de referencia © CiberCuba
Power outage. Reference image.Photo © CiberCuba

The government-aligned channel Tele Turquino, from Santiago de Cuba, published a message on social media this Monday explaining to internet users the importance of saving electricity and insisting on the need not to waste it.

"Savings is about doing things efficiently, not wasting, spending only what is minimally essential," the television channel expressed on Facebook, a message that internet users found ironic and out of place, as Santiago de Cuba, along with the central and eastern provinces of the country, is one of the areas that suffers the longest power outages.

"Using energy-saving light bulbs, they illuminate just like incandescent bulbs and consume less energy," reads the image.

Another irony is that, currently, the only place where this type of lighting fixtures are sold is at stores in MLC, at inaccessible prices, and even there they are not always available.

A person by the name of Amaya Llopiz Montero asked: "Is this serious? Please, also don't make fun of us, we are rather overstepping the line."

Similarly, Lázaro Rosales Cárdenas pointed out that "it is preferable not to throw to live in the jungle for that," as he considered it unfair "to give up the little bit of electricity that is not appropriate."

Last Tuesday, the Castroist commander Ramiro Valdés called on Cuban families to save electricity amid the serious energy crisis affecting the country.

Facebook screenshot / UNE Electrical union

Participating in a session of the National Energy Council, based at the Electric Union (UNE), Valdés sent a message to families to "make rational use of energy wherever they are."

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