Jorge Junior, disappointed with his friends in Miami after arriving in the United States: "Many have gone into hiding thinking I will ask them for something"

Jorge Junior, hurt by his friends upon arriving in the United States: "I thought they would at least ask me how I am."

Jorge Junior © Instagram / Los4
Jorge JuniorPhoto © Instagram / Los4

The Cuban reggaeton artist Jorge Junior has been in Miami for weeks. His stay in the United States has not been as expected by the director of the band Los 4 in some aspects, such as meeting up with friends he has in South Florida.

In his Facebook profile, the singer expressed his disappointment with many of his friends living in the United States, from whom he has not received a single message to ask how he is. Clearly hurt by these people, he issued a strong message against them.

I am amazed at how people can change overnight for believing they have a measly 4 pesos, or because life has put them in a better place, they think they are God. To those people, who I thought were friends of the house, every time they came and sat down to talk to my mom about any topic, every time they had a problem they knew they could count on me without any ulterior motive," she began in the post she shared on Facebook.

I thought that when I arrived in this country, at the very least, they would have the decency to ask me how I am doing. Just a simple SMS would have made me happy because believe me, I know that I came here to work, not to waste time. Many have hidden themselves, perhaps thinking that I will ask for something or that they will have to invite me to eat, knowing me well and understanding that I am not one to ask but to give, with a quality of life that leaves nothing to be envious of. He added, before calling them fake and hypocritical for how they have acted towards him.

"Remember that this is a country of ups and downs, and things don't always go well," he asserted.

Starting today, don't even bother greeting me because for me, you ceased to exist. This was a friendship as fragile as glass that fell and shattered, there is no turning back. Good luck in your lives," he concluded at the end of the message.

Many Cubans who have experienced firsthand friends turning their backs on them upon arriving in the United States have found themselves identified in Jorge Junior's words. In addition, his followers encouraged him to continue on his path and focus on his own goals.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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