A video shows part of the stroll of a monkey after escaping from the 26th Zoo in Havana.

The incident occurred this Thursday at the Havana Zoo.

A video circulating on social media shows the moments after a monkey escaped this Thursday from the 26th Zoo in Havana.

"Do not touch it, move away, move away," a woman can be heard saying in the footage to a group of people waiting with luggage on the sidewalk.

"Whose is it?" she asked naively to a witness, to which someone responded that it belonged to the zoo.

Faced with the surprising visitor, a boy didn't hesitate to cry a little, and a dog started barking at the monkey, while some recommended not to run and let the little monkey continue its walk.

"He hasn't had a snack. He went out looking for a meal," joked a passerby as the monkey walked away towards 26th Street, a road it crossed without any problems, as photos published in the last hours revealed.

So far, neither the state-controlled press nor the zoo itself have commented on the incident.

It is unknown whether the animal was captured and returned to the facility or if it is still on the loose.

"Urgent! Second monkey to escape from zoos in Cuba in recent days. This one now from the zoo in 26th Street, ready, 'the primitive community' or 'the planet of the apes' Oh Cuba, you choose!" wrote internet user known as "Woody Alguacil Cubano" in the video description.

The unusual event occurs a few days after another monkey, in this case from the Caibarién zoo in Villa Clara, also escaped and caused a bit of trouble for the residents of a neighborhood in that Villa Clara municipality.

The Villa Clara monkey was captured after an operation in which police forces and dogs were used.

Both events have been interpreted by Cubans as further signs of the crisis and hunger on the island.

In recent years, a growing number of activists, YouTubers, and anonymous citizens have spoken out about the poor care animals receive in all the country's zoos, where the inadequacy of the facilities, which do not ensure basic conditions for captivity, is compounded by the fundamental problem: the hunger they suffer.

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