Rosalba, the new host of Radio Sancti Spíritus created by artificial intelligence.

Rosalba is the first avatar generated with Artificial Intelligence in the Radio System in Cuba.

Rosalba © Captura de video/Youtube
RosalbaPhoto © Video capture/YouTube

The radio station Radio Sancti Spíritus premiered the first radio presenter in Cuban radio created with Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is called Rosalba.

The official presentation of the avatar took place during a conference by the aforementioned media outlet at La Guayabera 5.10 Technology Fair.

Rosalba is the first avatar generated with Artificial Intelligence in the Radio System in Cuba, highlighted the station.

Publication inFacebook

He also explained that his name is the same as the protagonist of a song by Miguel Companioni, one of the representatives of trova music from Sancti Spiritus.

"Hello, I'm Rosalba, the new presenter of Radio Sancti Spíritus, and I'm debuting this mode of production for the multiplatform radio in Sancti Spíritus. In my debut, I want to bring you closer to our content on Youtube," says the avatar in its first program.

The station announced before the presentation that it will use AI to "animate stories, originally designed for radio and now available on the YouTube channel."

However, the author of the avatar is unknown, and it is unclear if it was modeled after a real person.

In the midst of the serious widespread crisis in the country, Cuba has begun its foray into AI, one of the most widely used technological tools today.

Also, several creators from abroad have recreated Cuban cities using AI, such as those that have transcended from a future Havana without the communist regime.

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