The Cuban actress Corina Mestre dies.

Corina Mestre, a staunch defender of the Castro regime, passed away at the age of 69 in Havana, due to causes that have not been disclosed.

Corina Mestre © Ministerio de Cultura
Corina MestrePhoto © Ministry of Culture

Cuban actress Corina Mestre, a staunch defender of the Castro regime, died this Saturday from causes that have not been disclosed.

Mestre, 69 years old, passed away in Havana, as announced on his Twitter account by the Minister of Culture, Alpidio Alonso Grau.

What sad news! Today the great actress and educator Corina Mestre passed away in Havana. The whole of Cuba will mourn her. Cuban culture loses one of its greatest figures and the Revolution loses a strong militant. "Our eternal gratitude for your work and your example, dear sister!" she wrote.

Recognized for her extensive career in theater, radio, film, and television, she also worked as a teacher at the National School of Arts (ENA).

He began working in 1981 at the Teatro Estudio Group, directed by Raquel Revuelta, with which he staged more than 70 productions.

The TV audience remembers her for her outstanding performances in soap operas such as Passion and Prejudice and The Echo of the Stones, the series Double Game, and her leading role in the adaptation of Federico García Lorca's play The House of Bernarda Alba.

For her professional merits, she was awarded the 2022 National Theater Award, the National Award for Artistic Education, and the Alejo Carpentier Medal.

In addition to her outstanding acting career, she was a loyal supporter of the regime and actively participated in political events organized by the Party and the Government.

Last May, he called Cuban activists and opposition members who confronted the officialist duo Buena Fe during their tour of Spain "barbarians".

Cuban artists and intellectuals are constantly attacked by the enemies, well, not the enemies, but by the barbarians. Because this is a battle of good against evil," he stated in an interview on television.

In 2022, he signed the letter from the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) that denied the repression unleashed by the regime following the massive protests in Havana and other provinces against the blackouts.

A year earlier, in relation to the November 15th march, he stated that "socialism in Cuba is irrevocable" and that this type of demonstration could not be allowed.

Mestre defended castrism in a video in which he stated that the Cuban Constitution establishes the irreversible nature of socialism in the country and that furthermore, the entire population supports this political choice.

The actress was born in Havana and studied Performing Arts at the Higher Institute of Arts. In theater, she participated in plays such as Macbeth, Blood Wedding, The Dove's Roe, and The Public Opinion, among many others.

Her career on stage also included working for children in various versions of classics such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Momo.

The Ministry of Culture dedicated a few words of tribute to him on its Facebook wall this Saturday and sent its condolences to family and friends.

Facebook screenshot / Ministry of Culture of Cuba

The National Council of Performing Arts in Cuba also mourned his death.

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