El Boni finds a "little gem" from his days as a charanguero.

The singer posted on Instagram one of the moments he shared with La Charanga Habanera on the Cuban television show "Super 12."

It is impossible to talk about El Boni without thinking about his time as a singer in the Cuban orchestra La Charanga Habanera.

For the artist, the memories of these times are pleasant, and he shared with his followers on Instagram one of those many moments that he shared with the group on the Cuban television program "Super 12".

"I found this little gem around here, just imagine from when 'Super 12'," El Boni wrote in his post.

In the images, other very well-known faces from the Cuban public of this stage of La Charanga appear, including Leoni Torres and Aned Mota.

As expected, such a "gem" triggered a lot of comments among El Boni's followers.

What nice times, my God... I keep fond memories; "The best four who passed through La Charanga, that was a great group, then it became a group of models"; "That was the real La Charanga Habanera. When you all were there"; "When La Charanga was worth it"; "Those songs are classics from La Charanga Habanera. I still listen to them"; "So many memories, what nostalgia"; "When La Charanga really sounded," some wrote.

Certainly, one of the most popular periods for this group was during the time of Ebblis Mai Valdivia, who alongside La Charanga earned the nickname El Boni that has stuck with him forever.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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