Viral: Miguel Díaz-Canel spoke with the escaped monkey in Caibarién

In the fictitious call, the president scolds the monkey for having escaped from the zoo.

A video that ridicules the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel, placing him in a conversation with the monkey that recently escaped in Caibarién, is circulating on social media, sparking a wave of comments and reactions among users.

A person who goes by the name cardin.ja on Instagram, known for sharing videos that criticize the regime through humor, posted a fictional phone call in which the leader complains to the primate about the enormous expense of resources and the massive mobilization of people required for capture.

Recently, another incident involving the escape of a monkey occurred at the Havana Zoo, located on 26th Avenue in El Vedado, as reported by several internet users on Facebook.

Facebook screenshot / Cántalo TV

The profile "Cántalo TV" posted images of the monkey walking down the avenue and being guarded by a stray dog.

"Even the monkeys can't stand living on the island," comments the author of the publication ironically.

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