The Spanish Consulate in Havana issued more than 25 thousand Spanish passports in 2023.

Official data indicates that Havana is one of the territories that issues the most Spanish passports. Find out the details here.

Pasaportes cubanos y españoles (imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
Cuban and Spanish passports (reference image)Photo © CiberCuba

The government of Spain, in its report on the Consular Activity Balance in 2023, pointed out that its Consulate in Havana was one of the offices that issued the most Spanish passports in the last year.

The document details that the Consular Offices were processing the nationality applications submitted under the provisions of Law 20/2022, the Democratic Memory Law (Grandchildren's Law), which responds to a recurring demand from the Spanish community abroad.

Between October 21, 2022, and December 31, 2023, the consular network received 226,354 requests, out of which 110,540 cases were approved and 69,421 registrations were completed.

This official report was presented on May 21st by the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares. The data indicates that the Consular Offices that issued the most passports are Buenos Aires with 38,127 documents, and in second place Havana with 25,221 passports issued.

Other notable consulates were Mexico (22,243), Caracas (17,177), London (14,439), Bogota (13,282), Paris (12,425), and Miami (10,824).

In February, the government of Spain extended the period for applying for nationality through the Democratic Memory Law until 2025.

In the midst of the current migratory crisis in Cuba, the measure was received with hope by many descendants of Spanish exiles who, due to delays in the island's civil registries, are still processing their applications to benefit from this Law.

It is estimated that Cuba is the second country with the highest number of beneficiaries of the Grandchildren Law, with more than 22 thousand approved applications since the Law came into effect. It is only surpassed by Argentina, with 33,796 grants of Spanish nationality through this route.

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