They ask for help for children from Santiago de Cuba living in poverty.

The Humanitarian Project Breath of Life made a call on social media to collaborate with donations for children and other residents of towns in the Sierra Maestra and other remote locations in Santiago de Cuba.

Niños en Santiago de Cuba © Collage de Facebook/Yankiel Fernandez
Children in Santiago de CubaPhoto © Facebook Collage/Yankiel Fernandez

Cuban activists launched a petition for help for children living in conditions of extreme poverty in villages in the Sierra Maestra and other remote areas of the province of Santiago de Cuba.

Yankiel Fernández, coordinator of the Humanitarian Project Breath of Life, made a call on social media to all individuals who can collaborate with donations for children and other residents in those communities who lack the most basic necessities, such as food, clothing, and medicines.

Facebook screenshot/Yankiel Fernandez

"The images speak for themselves, I need the help of all of you," Fernandez told his followers on Facebook. "My people, we are still collecting donations for the Sierra Maestra and four more remote villages in Santiago de Cuba."

He recalled that "any help, not matter how small it may seem, is a great blessing for those places where children do not know what it is to enjoy a candy, things as simple as that."

Until June 10, the activists from "Aliento de Vida" will be collecting donations, which may include clothing, medicine, and healing materials; hygiene products and non-perishable food items, such as canned goods. Additionally, school supplies, toys, and sweets.

Fernández provided the bank accounts where monetary deposits can be made (9224 9598 7881 8648 CUP and 9225 9598 7553 4866 MLC) and a phone number to confirm the shipments (58-04-77-06).

The work of activists and independent organizations in Cuba has brought to light in recent years the living conditions of poverty and vulnerability in which thousands of Cuban families survive, while leaders, state officials, and official media continue to proclaim the alleged priority attention that the regime provides in cases like these.

On social media, there is a proliferation of complaints from activists, opposition members, and ordinary citizens warning about people living in the most absolute poverty, unable to meet their basic needs.

The Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) has repeatedly warned about the alarming increase in begging in the country, an evident consequence of the failed economic policies implemented by the government.

In April, the regime admitted that the number of people living on the streets has tripled, with 3,690 beggars registered between 2014 and 2023.

According to a study by the international observatory DatoWorld, in 2023 Cuba ranked as the poorest country in Latin America, with a 72% poverty index.

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