Civil society launches campaign to raise awareness about the situation of political prisoners in Cuba.

Thousands of voices have been silenced, hundreds of families destroyed by a regime that seeks to silence freedom. We cannot allow this to continue. Join us in this fight for freedom," stated the NGO 'Not One More Political Prisoner in Cuba' on its social media.

Cuban civil society launched a campaign to raise awareness of the situation of the more than a thousand political prisoners that the totalitarian regime keeps in jail for exercising their right to freedom of expression and demonstration.

The non-governmental organization 'Not One More Political Prisoner in Cuba' announced this Monday the official launch of its campaign "to raise awareness about the situation of people imprisoned for political reasons in Cuba".

Thousands of voices have been silenced, hundreds of families destroyed by a regime that seeks to silence freedom. We cannot allow this to continue. Join us in this fight for freedom," the NGO stated on its social media.

His message was accompanied by a short video in which activist Jonatan López described the situation in Cuba as "alarming" due to the increase in repression and violence associated with the regime's desire to stay in power.

Every day, an increasing number of people are deprived of their freedom simply for thinking differently. The Cuban government has gone to the extreme of threatening through national television to apply the death penalty to those who dare to demonstrate in the streets," the activist explained.

The initiative, led by young activists committed to the situation of Cuban political prisoners, arose from the need to assume and confront the seriousness of the historical moment.

"Currently, there are 1,100 people imprisoned for political reasons in Cuba, facing torture and severe violations of their fundamental rights during their imprisonment," López said, citing reports from the NGO Prisoner Defenders.

In that sense, 'Not one more political prisoner in Cuba' demanded the support of all other actors in Cuban civil society "to make a real impact."

Together we can form a common front and take our message further. Together we can demand 'Not one more political prisoner'... to continue making visible these brave Cuban men and women who have raised their voices to demand changes that benefit society as a whole," the organization asserted.

The NGO 'Ni un preso político más en Cuba' is made up of a group of activists and advocates committed to promoting human rights in Cuba, whose main mission “is to raise awareness about the situation of individuals imprisoned for political reasons in Cuba, both at the local and international levels, and to foster a culture of respect and protection of human rights in Cuban society.”

"We firmly believe in the power of working together and in the possibility of achieving a positive change in society. For this reason, we are open to collaborations with civil society organizations and individuals interested in supporting our cause," its members state.

According to its manifesto, the organization shares a vision of Cuba "where freedom of expression and thought is not only respected, but celebrated as a fundamental pillar of a just and democratic society."

We aspire to a future where no citizen is persecuted or imprisoned for their political views, and where prisons do not house those who peacefully fight for their ideals. In this future that we work to build, the international community recognizes and joins our cause, being part of a global movement that does not rest until the aspirations of freedom and equality for all Cubans are realized," the organization affirms.

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