The Cuban regime releases pregnant political prisoner from 11th July protest

The young woman was diagnosed with placenta previa, which increases the risk of premature birth for the baby.

Bárbara Isaac y su hija © Monica Baró / Facebook
Barbara Isaac and her daughterPhoto © Monica Baró / Facebook

Political prisoner Lisdani Rodríguez, a protester on July 11, 2021, in the municipality of Placetas in Villa Clara, who is pregnant, was granted on Tuesday an extrapenal license of one year to complete her pregnancy at home.

The independent journalist Monica Baró reported on Facebook that on Tuesday evening the young woman received permission to "continue and carry out her pregnancy at home, away from the subhuman conditions of the prison."

Lisdani and her twin sister Lidiani are 25 years old and were confined in the Guamajal women's prison in Santa Clara, where they are serving an eight-year sentence for participating in the July 11th protests.

Since last year, the mother of both, Bárbara Isaac Rojas, reported that the young woman had become pregnant during a conjugal visit and the regime wanted to force her to have an abortion. Later, she stated that the prisoner had low hemoglobin due to the poor diet she received in prison.

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Now the protester from July 11th will be in the company of her mother and her niece, Lidiani's young daughter.

Baró indicates that Lisdani is six months pregnant (24 weeks) and should receive special care, as she was recently diagnosed with placenta previa.

This condition increases the possibility of premature birth of your baby if the necessary precautions are not taken, explained Barbara in statements to Cubanet.

He said that the 25-year-old woman "found out she had an anterior placenta from week number 22 but was not informed about it"; and she learned of the diagnosis two weeks later, as a result of "a heart condition that appeared in one of the tests."

Baró expressed his confidence that she will not be separated from her son once he is born, and that his triplet sister Lisdiani will be released so she can be with her young daughter.

"Neither of the two has committed any crime, because the exercise of human rights is not a crime," he stressed.

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