An important donation of rice from China arrives in Cuba.

The cargo consists of 66 containers with over 1,580 tons of rice.

A donation from China consisting of 66 containers with over 1,580 tons of rice arrived this Tuesday at the port of Mariel, in the province of Artemisa.

The shipment was the first of a total of seven deliveries that will complete 20,000 tons of the important grain between the months of June and August.

It is expected that four of these shipments will be received at the port of Mariel, and the remaining three will arrive at the port of Santiago de Cuba.

Oscar Pérez-Oliva Fraga, the new Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment of Cuba (MINCEX), thanked the Chinese government and people for their "noble gesture" at a time when the island is experiencing "complex economic circumstances."

"We are certain that this donation will benefit a significant number of the population in the western and eastern regions, thus contributing to meeting our country's food needs," the head of MINCEX stated in the presence of the Chinese ambassador to Cuba, Ma Hui.

Pérez-Oliva recalled that this shipment is part of a comprehensive aid package from the Chinese government to Cuba, which includes a total of 20,408 tons of rice, of which 408 have already been delivered through six charter flights in April.

He added that the comprehensive aid package from the Asian nation to Cuba also includes actions aimed at energy and food sectors, among others, seeking to develop sustainable cooperation for the benefit of the Cuban people.

On his part, Ma Hui, Chinese ambassador in Cuba, highlighted that the donation is a demonstration of the friendship and mutual assistance between China and Cuba.

"Food security and sovereignty are fundamental interests of all countries and a shared responsibility of the international community," stated the diplomat.

He pointed out that, in addition to responding to the "urgent needs of sister Cuba," China also collaborates with the Cuban side to study and explore medium and long-term solutions that ensure sustainable agricultural development on the island. "China is willing to share its experience and advanced technology with the world, with the Cuban side, strengthen technical exchanges and personnel in the agricultural field, help improve food production capacity, defend food sovereignty and security," Ma said.

The shortage of rice, a fundamental food on the Cuban table, has been one of the many hardships experienced by residents on the island in recent months.

Most of the rice consumed in Cuba is imported or comes from donations, as national production has plummeted in the last decade.

Therefore, it is common for the Cuban government to turn to two key Asian allies - China and Vietnam - in the search for the important grain.

The relations between Cuba and China are a pillar of the subsistence of the Cuban regime.

Just this Wednesday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, begins an official visit to the Asian giant.

According to the official website of MINREX, during his stay and as part of the program of activities, Rodríguez will hold official conversations with leaders and senior officials of that country.

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