Young Cuban woman shows what can be bought with minimum wage on the Island.

"Do you think it's expensive or cheap? In my opinion, it's extremely expensive because, with 2,900 pesos, what could we have bought? Garlic, onion, five plantains, and a little tomato," concluded the young professional and Cuban mother.

A young Cuban woman used her social media profile to explain to her followers what can be bought nowadays with the minimum wage that workers on the Island earn.

Engineer Raisa Zequeira, mother of two children and entrepreneur, shared a video on Instagram showing the food products purchased at the Cuban agro-market and the price of each one.

"I'll show you what we can buy here in Cuba with a little more than a minimum wage. Of course, I'm talking about food, because clothing or shoes are almost impossible. Tell me what you think about this," the young woman wrote in her post.

First of all, the engineer explained that the minimum wage in Cuba is around 2,100 pesos since the failed "economic and monetary ordering" of the government under the so-called "continuity" of Miguel Díaz-Canel came into effect.

Since then (January 2021) until now, inflation has soared in Cuba and prices have increased uncontrollably, while salaries have barely experienced insignificant increases.

After clarifying the amount of the minimum wage, Zequeira displayed her purchase, consisting of a string of purple onions (barely about ten onions) that cost her 1,000 Cuban pesos (CUP).

In addition, the young woman bought five plantains at 30 pesos each (150 CUP), a string of approximately twenty heads of garlic (1,500 CUP), and four pounds of green tomatoes at 70 pesos per pound (280 CUP).

The total cost of the purchase made by Zequeira amounted to 2,930 Cuban pesos. "Do you think it's expensive or cheap? In my opinion, it is extremely expensive because with 2,900 pesos, what could we have bought? Garlic, onion, five plantains, and a little tomato," the young woman concluded.

Zequeira is the author of other videos like this one, in which she shows the daily problems of Cubans. At the end of May, she shared one in which she explained the 'barter' modality that more and more people are turning to in order to meet their basic needs for food, hygiene, and personal care.

In mid-May, the YouTuber also shared with her followers what a day is like at the Provincial Pediatric Hospital of Artemisa, where her four-year-old son was hospitalized.

The images revealed the severe crisis affecting the Public Health System in Cuba. The lack of medications, scarcity of medical supplies, and deteriorating hospital infrastructure, are compounded by the unsanitary conditions of the hospital, where the young Cuban mother also found herself.

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