"Clash of Titans": The Minister of Internal Trade reports to the National Assembly.

The Minister of Internal Trade, Betsy Díaz Velázquez, explained the situation of the basic basket under the scrutinizing gaze of Esteban Lazo Hernández.

Half a year after the tense confrontation between the President of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), Esteban Lazo Hernández, and the head of the Ministry of Internal Trade (MINCIN), Betsy Díaz Velázquez, a face-to-face encounter was staged this Tuesday that once again showed the tense demeanor of both leaders for the cameras.

The meeting took place to deliver the MINCIN's accountability report to the ANPP, which will be debated among the deputies during the next ordinary session period. According to a report from the National Television News (NTV), the document is of public nature.

For this reason, it will be available to the population on the digital and institutional sites of the MINCIN and the ANPP, "so that everyone has the opportunity to access its content, evaluate it, and make their considerations."

With the report in hand, the deputies will be able to evaluate the compliance with the governing functions of the ministry led by Díaz Velázquez, popular gastronomy, care for people in vulnerable situations, the fight against crime, and other issues.

"We toured all the provinces, had the opportunity to interact with all the business systems, as well as with the deputies of the commissions that joined," pointed out the head of the MINCIN, acknowledging that the State's failure to deliver basic basket products constitutes the population's "main concern."

In the scrutinizing gaze of Lazo Hernández, the minister acknowledged that her ministry established "certain commitments that today we will say are not all fulfilled, but well... we have the rest of the year to do it."

Work is being done on the "improvement of domestic trade in Cuba," acknowledging "the constant dissatisfactions" and the "limitations of physical fuel," but applauding "the effort being made to ensure that essential products reach the people." This is how accountability is given to the deputies of the Cuban regime.

"The ships that are there and cannot be unloaded, the unfinished distribution, the transfers, in short. Workers continue to make an effort distributing without electricity, when the car appears, via alternative means," the minister babbled at the meeting.

In relation to the basic basket, her explanation was even more convoluted. "I think we have to manage to tell our people that," the minister said, before explaining what "that" was.

Although the basket doesn't arrive all day on the first, as everyone dreams and aspires... because we have exchanged a lot with the population and the population says: 'but, you said the basket was there and it wasn't'. The basket is there! What happened is that what used to happen, that on the first day the basket was in the store, is not what is happening now.

Upon hearing the explanation, Lazo Hernandez's gaze once again began to scrutinize the minister with that gesture from December 2023 that became part of the "continuity" history alongside the phrase from the President of the National Assembly of People’s Power: "Let capitalism not swallow us, girl!"

Trained in the tense crossing of glances, the minister finished explaining what happens with the basic basket, if her string of incoherencies interspersed with vague promises can be called an explanation.

And when we say that the basket is within the month, we are talking about a period during which, based on the variables we have, the imports into the country, with the products arriving, allow us to guarantee that the product is available.

According to the official media and its reporter Lizet Márquez Gómez, "the accountability of MINCIN should generate a broad movement to strengthen daily work, identify the main challenges and solutions, as well as the potentials that are still not being efficiently utilized."

There was no news, except for using propaganda with the incompetence typical of the political bureaucracy of the regime. That, and the exchange of glances between two of Miguel Díaz-Canel's "Titans" of "continuity," as he could not attend the meeting because he was running errands.

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