Two workers hospitalized due to gas leak at Varadero oil company.

The young people were referred to the hospital in Matanzas in serious condition, according to reports on Facebook.

OPEP CENTRO © Facebook
OPEC CENTROPhoto © Facebook

Two workers were hospitalized after inhaling gas while trying to correct a leak at the EPEP-Centro de Varadero oil company.

The victims were two young people who were fixing a gas leak underground, and when they opened and cleared the area, they inhaled toxic gases, as reported by neighbors of Santa Marta, in Varadero, in the Cardenenses group on Facebook.

Two patients were stabilized at the Santa Marta polyclinic and were then referred to Cárdenas. Later, they were referred to Matanzas," a hospital worker commented.

According to other comments, the young people were reported to be in serious condition, but at least one of them showed some improvement.

Up to now, there is no official information about the event.

In the last few hours, a fire very close to the Supertankers Base was also reported in Matanzas.

Last March, the regime reported that the number of work-related accidents in Cuba decreased in 2023, but the number of fatalities remained at the same levels as in 2022.

In a report titled "Labor Protection. Selected Indicators", the state National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI) indicated that a total of 1,491 work accidents occurred on the island from January to the end of December 2023.

The mortality rate, which represents the number of deaths per 1,000 injured individuals, increased from 30.3 to 33.8 points, especially due to incidents in Agriculture, Construction, and the Supply of Electricity, Gas, and Water.

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