The La Palma agromarket in Havana looks "somewhat empty".

The shortage of food in Cuba is notable. Markets have few agricultural products and they are priced out of reach for the majority of the population.

The Cuban TikToker Jonixdoce visited the Agromercado de La Palma in Havana and found a scene of desolation, with few products and at very high prices.

"It's very big and looks a bit empty," said the young man in an attempt to explain the "peladera" he was witnessing.

The stalls are almost empty. The vendors are bored, waiting for a customer to decide to buy the few agricultural products available for sale at exorbitant prices.

A pound of tomatoes costs 150 pesos, one of guava costs 60 pesos, and sweet potato is already at 35 pesos.

The crisis in Cuba does not seem to be nearing its end. The government acknowledged that prices continue to rise, but they believe that everything is progressing more slowly.

Cuban families are getting poorer every day, and many don't even bother to visit a farmers' market in Havana anymore, because they know they won't be able to take home even a piece of bread.

What do you think?


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