A Cuban's cleverness in listening to music in Havana

Many internet users had fun with the invention.

The resourcefulness of a Cuban mechanic to listen to music in his workshop in Havana surprised one of his clients, who did not hesitate to share images of the curious device on social media.

The internet user "Alejandro Mainegra Reyes" told on Facebook that he went to a mechanic's workshop to fix a blender and found the expert fixing several devices to the beat of the music.

"I was wondering where the music comes from. Here is the artifact.... Seriously, we need to go out into the world NOW," he said, showing images of a plastic container to which speakers were attached.

Many internet users had fun with the invention and claimed that the technician's ingenious creation made it reliable. "Fix that, that's the guy," a woman said.

Publication inFacebook

However, for others, it is regrettable that many Cubans cannot even have access to an audio device.

The truth is that in the ongoing Cuban crisis, the residents of the island manage to find ways to meet their basic needs.

Recently, news broke about the clever invention of a Cuban who wanted to make coffee despite his old and melted coffee maker on top by attaching a hose to it and diverting the coffee into a jug.

Similarly, the invention of a woman who managed to turn the lights on and off in her house using a syringe instead of a switch went viral.

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