Torrential rains cause flooding in Havana

The images show cars and motorcycles covered in water, while some reports indicated that some streets would be impassable.

Torrential rains in the Cuban capital caused severe flooding in several municipalities, including Old Havana and Central Havana.

"It is raining heavily in Old Havana," reported internet user Emicenio Z Zaldívar on Facebook, who shared photos of the flooded streets taken by Cuban Ivón Valdés.

The images show cars and motorcycles covered in water, while some reports indicated that some streets would be impassable.

Publication inFacebook.

Internet users who commented on the post confirmed the heavy rainfall in Reparto Santa Amalia, as well as in Arroyo Naranjo, Alamar, La Lisa, San Agustín, and the El Guatao area.

It also rained heavily in Matanzas.

The Forecast Center of the Meteorology Institute (INSMET) of Cuba warned that on Thursday showers, rains, and thunderstorms could occur in the afternoon and evening hours in a large part of the national territory.

The daily report from the governmental entity informed that "in the afternoon, it will become cloudy in much of the national territory with some showers, rain, and thunderstorms, which will be more numerous in inland areas and the north coast of the center and west."

Likewise, he said that the bad weather "will persist until the early hours of the night and could be strong in specific locations," while the maximum temperatures would be between 32 and 35 degrees Celsius.

As an additional note in its statement, INSMET added that in areas of showers and thunderstorms, the strength of the wind and the height of the waves may increase.

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