Oscar Ruiz Moreira, former director of the National Sports News, arrives in the U.S.

Moreira, who worked in television for 35 years, left his wife and daughter in Cuba.

Oscar Ruiz Moreira con su esposa y su hija © DPorto Sports / Facebook y Noticiero Nacional Deportivo / Facebook
Oscar Ruiz Moreira with his wife and daughter.Photo © DPorto Sports / Facebook and National Sports News / Facebook

Television director Oscar Ruiz Moreira, who was in charge of the National Sports News for many years, has permanently moved to the United States.

Moreira, who also hosted the show Glorias Deportivas, left his wife and daughter on the island.

The news was given on Facebook by sports journalist Yasel Porto, who did not clarify through which route his former colleague emigrated.

Facebook screenshot / DPorto Sports LLC

Oscarito had a great relationship with most of his colleagues at work, thanks to his affable and respectful character. It could be said that he was the best on a personal level among all the TV channel directors, despite the always complex and questionable atmosphere that has been experienced in this place," Porto recalled.

"With his emigration, Tele Rebelde loses one of the good ones in the professional mix and as a person. In the latter, I don't remember anyone criticizing him for harming anyone," he pointed out.

Ruiz Moreira worked for 35 years in Cuban television, where he started at the age of 18 as a production assistant.

First, he worked on fiction programs, such as the series La Gran Rebelión and Algo más que soñar, and later moved on to news programs.

In addition to the National Sports News, he also directed the Midday News, the ANSOC News of Canal Habana, the Stay Up-to-Date News, and the popular participation program Libre Acceso, on the Canal Habana telecenter.

Dozens of people, including several colleagues, wished the professional success in his new life in the United States and that he may soon be able to bring his family with him.

"I worked quite a bit with him in different spaces and always observed his professionalism, seriousness, and demands to move forward. Excellent person and friend... I wish him all the best," wrote the retired sports narrator René Navarro.

"I'm really happy. And yes, I agree, if he was good as a director, as a human being, there's no comparison," journalist Julita Osendi said.

"The best for Oscarito. Stellar in everything, work and life," emphasized the journalist Jesús Muñoz.

Many sports media professionals are leaving Cuba in this seemingly endless wave of migration.

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