Dream come true! Cuban influencer Carnota alongside Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in Miami: "Who would have told me that I would meet them?"

Cuban influencer Carnota shares his encounter with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in Miami.

The Cuban influencer and comedian José Ernesto González Carnota met Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in Miami!

During the promotion of the fourth installment of the Bad Boys saga, the well-known Cuban had the opportunity to attend the press conference where Cuban-American host Enrique Santos was interviewing the actors in Miami. An event that Carnota attended, who shared some of the moments he experienced at this press conference and his obligatory photo with the Bad Boys.

"Who would have thought that I would meet @willsmith and @martinlawrence? The real @badboys," he commented at the bottom of the post, which includes a photo of him with them, the moment they greeted each other after taking the photo, and a moment from the press conference the influencer attended.

His followers have reacted with excitement and congratulations to his encounter with the two legendary actors. Some of the comments they left him alongside the post are:

"How great, buddy, what an achievement, man... so happy for you", "Playing in the champions", "Congratulations, buddy", "Those 2 guys really rock it", "A dream come true", "Great job, bro, representing the Cubans. It's nice to see these things", "You're fulfilling the dream, bro" or "Such a great excitement. Oh my God, alongside great actors. Bravo and congratulations"

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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