The author of a double murder in Cienfuegos continues to be a fugitive.

The neighbors of Adrián Pérez Hidalgo, who murdered his wife and a storekeeper, presume that he must already be out of the country, as he has a lot of money.

Adrián Pérez Hidalgo © Facebook / Denunciando Crímenes en Cuba
Adrián Pérez HidalgoPhoto © Facebook / Reporting Crimes in Cuba

Cuban authorities have not yet captured Adrian Cruz Hidalgo, the man who killed his wife and a young grocer from his neighborhood in Cienfuegos on May 30th.

Adrián continues to be a fugitive from justice, and his neighbors presume that he must already be out of the country, as he is a person of very good economic standing since he has several businesses.

The Facebook user Aguada Informer shared his photo and asked everyone who sees it to call the Police.

Facebook screenshot / Aguada informer

The victims were named Ailen Tartabull and Víctor Manuel Ojeza Alpízar, a 35-year-old warehouse worker who was known as "El Chino".

The double crime was allegedly caused by jealousy, although Aguada Informer specifies that the motives are unknown.

According to the most widely spread version on social media, Adrián murdered his partner in the house where they both lived, on 50th Avenue between 43rd and 45th in the la Gloria district. He then went to the store - apparently located next to the house - and killed Víctor.

"It is presumed that years ago Adrian would have stabbed his wife Aylen before having the child they have in common, a boy who is barely in elementary school," the note says.

The woman also had another child from a previous relationship.

On his part, Víctor was the father of a 12-year-old boy.

Irma Broek, administrator of the Facebook group "Denouncing Crimes in Cuba," revealed upon learning about the crime that this man has taken someone's life before.

His first victim was also his partner, whom he brutally murdered and for the crime he served only six years in prison," wrote citing as a source the testimony of a source close to another of the victims, who added that several former partners of Adrian Cruz suffered domestic violence.

The same publication clarified that the two deceased individuals did not have any romantic relationship, and that everything was the result of "malicious gossip from ill-intentioned people."

So far, neither the authorities of Cienfuegos nor the officialist media have spoken out on the matter.

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