Heydy González and Eddy Borges let loose dancing to the rhythm of "El Tiburón".

It is a topic that the singer has just released.

Heydy González and Eddy Borges issued an invitation to all their followers while dancing to the rhythm of "El Tiburón" on Instagram.

It is a topic that the singer has just released, and what better way to promote it than with a challenge ideal for social media.

"It's Friday, the body knows it's time to dance to the rhythm of 'El Tiburón'. Don't dare to do it because this is addictive," Eddy stated in the video description.

With the ease that characterizes them, they not only showcased their best moves but also the complicity they have as a couple.

The dance and the song also captured the attention of their followers: "That one is good to dance to"; "How beautiful, nice dance... now, yes"; "Today, I will play it at my house, and with two Coronas, even the mother-in-law will dance"; "You guys are the best"; "Chirry dances well"; "Come on, otherwise the shark will get us, good song, congratulations, best of luck to you, you deserve it"; "Great hit."

On more than one occasion, both Heydy and Eddy have shown that they enjoy getting involved in each other's projects, and this is another example of that.

In the comments on the Instagram post, the couple clarified that for the moment, the song is only available on YouTube, as the music video will be filmed next week.

What do you think?


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Deneb González

Entertainment Editor at CiberCuba

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