A Cuban tries his first McDonald's: "It's the most capitalist and American thing I've ever done in my life"

The only thing he could say was: "Very delicious, seriously."

A young Cuban residing in Paraguay experienced his first encounter with a McDonald's hamburger and shared his reactions on social media through a video, expressing his excitement at experiencing something he described as "the most capitalist and American thing I have done in my life."

On TikTok, the young man identified as Harche Vlogs wrote: "It was a very distant dream to be able to carry out this type of actions, which in my country are very frowned upon," confessing that he always saw McDonald's and other international food brands in movies.

"We'll see how it tastes. I'm excited," pointed out the Cuban in the video, staying perplexed when seeing the huge line of people also going to buy a hamburger.

After "blatantly" cutting in line, according to his own words, he realized he didn't have enough money to buy at McDonald's, but was rescued by the person filming him.

The young man bought the combo that includes the hamburger, fries, and soda.

"It looks cute, doesn't it?" she commented as she held the McDonald's in her hand.

"Very delicious, seriously," he finally said after tasting the first bite.

Recently, this young man also admitted that he has the goal of discovering the gastronomy of his new place of residence, acknowledging that the world of new flavors that opens before his eyes has left him amazed.

On TikTok, he expressed: "Wow, how easy it is to make a Cuban happy!", in a video where he is seen trying out various dishes from Paraguayan cuisine.

Usually, Cubans share culinary discovery chronicles when they emigrate.

Another person, but this time a resident of Uruguay, confessed to being in love with the food of that country.

José Luis Savio explained on Facebook that in his new place of residence he learned that there is a world beyond congrí and pork chops.

"I'm going to tell you three things that fascinate me about Uruguay," said the man, explaining that up to that moment he was unaware of their existence and, therefore, had never tried them.

The list of findings includes mate, dulce de leche, and barbecue.

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