Laura Treto shows off the results of her cosmetic surgery and receives many compliments

The artist underwent liposuction with fat transfer, and since she left surgery, she commented that her intention had not been to have a buttock like Jennifer Lopez's.

Laura Treto recently underwent cosmetic surgery in Miami and has finally shown the results to her followers.

"A rebirth," was the only thing the Cuban actress wrote alongside a video on Instagram showing her transformation.

The artist underwent liposuction with fat transfer and since she left surgery, she told her followers that her intention had not been to have a booty like Jennifer Lopez's, and that she wanted to look natural.

As expected, the compliments from her fans did not take long to appear, many of them praising her for opting for a moderate change that suits her physique.

Some are commenting that they don't see the change, that it looks the same, it's a natural, simple change, not those huge balloons. "The human being is lost"; "It was done normally, naturally, not like others who seem to have a drum with skinny legs"; "The change is noticeable. Brutal, I love the natural look, you look like a diva. But the most important thing is that you notice it and that when you look in the mirror you love what you see"; "You look beautiful"; "You look very pretty", several commented in the comments.

In one of her Instagram stories, Laura compared the before and after of the surgery and without a doubt, the difference can be seen.

Instagram screenshot / Laura Treto

After the operation, the actress received many criticisms, especially from women, to which she responded by saying, "It's a shame that women attack each other like this."

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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