Latinos react to video of people dancing reggaeton in New Zealand: "Cuban salsa instructor who taught them arrested"

This is how reggaeton is danced in New Zealand.

A viral video showing a group of people in New Zealand dancing to reggaeton has sparked a wave of reactions on social media, especially among the Latin community. The video has garnered millions of views and thousands of comments on TikTok, where it was posted by the user @elviajederita.

In the images, we see a group of New Zealanders dancing while "Gasolina" by Daddy Yankee plays. However, the dance moves are from Cuban rueda casino instead of the twerking that usually accompanies the songs of the Big Boss...

The Latin community on TikTok has not been able to avoid reacting with humor to the images, leaving clever and funny comments alongside the video.

"I think that if they see Latinos dancing reggaeton, they get scared", "They dance reggaeton with economic stability", "A very Bridgerton reggaeton", "Their task was to crush it, and they fixed it", "They took out the permitted, authorized, legal, legitimate, and accepted steps", "The most respectful reggaeton I have seen", "Cuban salsa instructor arrested for teaching how to dance reggaeton as a salsa round. He was getting revenge for something...", "A reggaeton very much in the style of Pride and Prejudice" or "Anything but reggaeton".

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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