A Cuban soldier dies after jumping out of the window of a military bus in Villa Clara.

The incident occurred Wednesday morning in Villa Clara, as reported by official sources. The causes of the regrettable event are being investigated.

Jovenes militares cubanos (Imagen de referencia) © Agencia Cubana de Noticias
Young Cuban soldiers (Reference image)Photo © Cuban News Agency

Leandro Muñoz Zamora, a 20-year-old soldier residing in the municipality of Santa Clara, died Wednesday morning after throwing himself out of the window of a bus from Military Construction Company No-4 of Matanzas, with license plate B 194 585.

The official radio station CMHW, The Radiant Queen of the Center, reported that the incident occurred around 10:00 AM at kilometer 254 of the National Highway in the province of Villa Clara.

Facebook screenshot / CMHW The Radio Queen of the Center

The young man died instantly due to the impact against the pavement, as reported.

The note indicates that Muñoz, along with 11 other soldiers, three civilians, and the driver, was traveling to the city of Matanzas, where he would continue his mission as part of the Active Military Service (SMA).


It is not the first time that a young Cuban military member commits suicide during their military service. In 2023, Julio César Correa Hernández reported that his grandson took his own life.

Screenshot of Facebook / Julio César Correa Hernández

"I want to make this report worldwide, my grandson Maikol took his own life at around 6:00 pm during this country's mandatory service," the man reported on Facebook.

Maikol Arcia Hernández's grandfather, the young recruit, explained in his post that his grandson suffered from mental disorders that had not been properly evaluated by military medical authorities.

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