They deny selling bus tickets to Cuban migrants in the border state of Mexico.

This incident has left Cuban migrants stranded, who must decide between risking walking 300 kilometers or waiting for a more convenient solution.

Inmigrantes cubanos en tránsito por México (imagen de archivo) © Twitter / Noticias de Chiapas
Cuban immigrants in transit through Mexico (file image)Photo © Twitter / Chiapas News

The bus lines in Monclova, a city in the border state of Coahuila, refuse to sell tickets to foreigners, even with legal documents, which has left many migrants, mainly Cubans and Venezuelans, stranded on their way to the United States.

Daniel González Méndez, president of the Human Rights Commission in Monclova, warned this Thursday that the affected Cubans and Venezuelans "are getting stuck because at the bus station the bus companies are not selling them tickets, and they cannot walk 300 kilometers to the border," reported the Facebook page Alerta Roja Monclova.

Facebook Screenshot / Red Alert Monclova

According to the official, the incident is a violation of human rights that leaves the only option of resorting to protection.

González explained that Cubans and Venezuelans have a document issued by the immigration authorities; however, at the bus station, "the staff, upon noticing their accent and skin color, denies them the sale of tickets, even with that document the drivers prevent them from boarding."

Drivers justify their refusal by claiming that "they fear that carrying foreigners on board the bus could result in them being imprisoned or getting into trouble at the company where they work, so they prevent foreigners from boarding."

The municipal official explained that, faced with this situation, migrants ask the bus line staff how they can reach the Coahuila border with the United States, and they are told they must do so on foot, "which is absurd given temperatures exceeding 43 degrees and a distance of 300 kilometers to their border destination."

Finally, the human rights official pointed out that the Ministry of the Interior, through the National Institute of Migration, issues immigrants an ID card with a photograph that allows them to travel to the northern border, "but unfortunately it is not respected, both by authorities and by bus station staff."

Recently, members of the United States Border Patrol reported that they fear an increase in the number of people trying to cross through more dangerous migration routes, where unfortunately some suffer fatal consequences.

These concerns arise from the measures approved by US President Joe Biden, which prevent irregular migrants from receiving asylum in the United States after crossing the border illegally, and the collapse in the CBP One mobile application, which has led migrants to try to sneak in and reach the country through more dangerous and difficult routes.

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