Ulises Toirac criticizes scant police presence after fight at Finca de los Monos: "And because of a sign, at least quarter to four."

The Cuban government said that six people were injured in the tumultuous brawl that broke out on Saturday in front of the Finca de los Monos in Havana.

Ulises Toirac / Pelea en Finca de Los Monos, La Habana © Facebook Ulises Toirac / Redes sociales
Ulises Toirac / Fight at Los Monos Farm, HavanaPhoto © Facebook Ulises Toirac / Social media

The Cuban comedian Ulises Toirac shared his opinion on social media about the recent massive fight that took place at Finca de los Monos, in Havana, an event that has sparked great controversy and concern in the community.

"I've been thinking about the Finca de los Monos. I've never seen anything like it. People with machetes? No police around there?" Toirac said on his Facebook profile.

Facebook Ulises Toirac

He expressed surprise at the violence in public spaces, emphasizing the lack of police intervention.

I have seen that because of a poster... A quarter to. I mean... Not a poster, a machete. That's the point? wondered the popular artist.

Toirac made an indirect reference to cases like that of the political prisoner Luis Robles, who was sentenced to five years of deprivation of liberty for peacefully demonstrating with a sign on the Boulevard de San Rafael in Havana.

The event at Finca de los Monos was planned as part of the summer 2024 activities in Cuba. The organizers said that the call had a massive reach and "got out of control."

In the videos posted on social media, you can see how everything ended in a mass fight. There were teenagers from different gangs, walking around with knives in broad daylight. The incident left at least six wounded.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Cuban authorities believe that there is a "media manipulation" of the case on social media and in the independent press. They claim that there were no fatalities during the altercation.

Toirac's statements reflect the widespread sense of disbelief and concern about the escalating violence in spaces that should be safe for youth in Cuba.

The lack of an effective response from the authorities has been a recurring point of criticism among the citizenry and public figures.

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