Seidy La Niña: "If I became 'the queen,' it was because I built my own crown."

When you hear people speaking ill of me, ask them how many times they helped me. This is just the beginning of my musical evolution, with the children of God, no one can.

Seidy La Niña (imagen de referencia) © Instagram / Seidy La Niña
Seidy La Niña (reference image)Photo © Instagram / Seidy La Niña

Seidy La Niña shared a reflection on her musical career on her Facebook and Instagram profiles, highlighting both the challenges she has faced and the achievements reached.

In her posts, the Cuban singer who has been living in the United States for 25 years expressed her gratitude to her followers for the support that has been key to her artistic development.

"I have worked hard in this past year, and thanks to you, my music is being heard. When you hear people speaking ill of me, ask them how many times they helped me. This is just the beginning of my musical evolution; with the children of God, no one can. I crowned myself queen because I created my own crown," he commented on Facebook, alongside screenshots of music video clips on YouTube such as "I Won't Argue with Anyone About It," "Mixed-Race Girl," "Tattoo," "More Bitch Than Pretty," and "When Everything Ends," among others, that have been very well-received on the platform.

On Instagram, La Mulatica shared another very similar reflection: "In life, nothing is a coincidence. My path has not been easy, especially because I am a woman. But it doesn't matter, we continue moving forward with the blessing of everything that accompanies and guides me. If I put on the crown, it's because I built it myself," she said in a post that closed with the announcement of a new song that apparently will be titled "Evolution."

The posts received a positive response from their followers, who praised their effort and authenticity: "Many blessings Seidy. There are many people who love you and follow you. Let those who think badly of you slide off. You are unique Seidy, you are loved"; "You have your numbers, black one, Mary, with you. But if you are generating, successes"; "The queen"; "Mine"; "The Queen of tastiness"; "Queen, hot mama, and intelligent"; "You have done very good work and this is only the beginning of the road, blessings and stay focused on your music"; "Congratulations, you deserve it. And many blessings will come to you and your beautiful family"; "I didn't think you would go this far! But here you are!!!! Congratulations," they said.

Meanwhile, the artist continues to enjoy the good reception of her latest release "Making it big," and precisely while dancing it with her dad, she was seen a few hours ago in a fun video uploaded to social media this Sunday, Father's Day.

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