"Pa' lante guerrero": Daddy Yankee's message of support to Don Omar after revealing he has cancer

Followers and colleagues of Don Omar have rallied around him after he revealed he has cancer.

Daddy Yankee, Don Omar © Instagram / Daddy Yankee, Don Omar
Daddy Yankee, Don OmarPhoto © Instagram / Daddy Yankee, Don Omar

The world of Latin music has been shocked by the sad news that Don Omar is suffering from cancer. A disease that the Puerto Rican artist is currently fighting against, as he revealed himself through Instagram with a photo showing his wrist wearing the bracelet from the Orlando Health Medical Center in Florida.

In these delicate moments for the King of Reggaeton, he has received an outpouring of messages of strength, encouragement, and love. His fans have shown him their affection in the face of this situation, and other colleagues in the urban music world have not hesitated to send messages of support, such as Daddy Yankee.

Despite the rivalry that Daddy Yankee and Don Omar had for a long time, last year they put their differences aside and reconciled.

Instagram screenshot

Now, after the news that Don Omar gave, Daddy Yankee dedicated a story to him. A Bible verse with a message of encouragement for his colleague.

"My Lord and God, I asked for help, and you healed me" Psalms 30:2 RVC", wrote Big Boss, who added: "Forward Guerrero!"

Furthermore, in the comments of the post uploaded by the reggaeton artist, Daddy Yankee left the following message: "Keep moving forward William, you've already won the first mental and attitude battle, my respects. Now, win the physical one! You are in my prayers, and above all things, more than ever I wish you: HEALTH AND LIFE! We are with you, God bless you."

For now, Don Omar has not given any further details about his situation. From CiberCuba, we send him all our support.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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