Cuban grandfather receives his residence in the United States and will be able to fulfill his dream of returning to Cuba.

In an emotional TikTok video, his family handed him the green card during a gathering, unleashing the grandfather's joy and excitement.

A Cuban grandfather in the United States is close to fulfilling his biggest dream: returning to Cuba. In an emotional video posted by his granddaughter on TikTok, we can see conversations with the gentleman where he expresses that his greatest wish is to go back to the island. His only impediment is not having residency, which has finally been resolved.

In the video published by Iliana Aguilera (@iliana_aguilera on TikTok), we can see how during a family gathering, they surprise this Cuban grandfather by giving him his residency card. An emotional moment that this man had been dreaming of.

"You have the money to go to Cuba, what else do you need? The documents and the ticket," they say to him before handing him an envelope with more money and his residence card.

Now, all internet users are waiting to see this grandfather's return to his land.

"Misses her homeland, it's not easy to separate from an entire life," "They moved me, how I cried. I've been here for 15 years and haven't been able to go to Cuba" or "How lovely, poor thing. It's good that they help him and love him like that," are some of the comments that can be read alongside the viral video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Writer for El Mundo and PlayGround.

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