They fill the dairy to surprise Díaz-Canel in Holguín

In addition to the dairy, the Holguín authorities brought a doctor to the grandparents' house, and mobilized resources for the hospital.

The governorMiguel Diaz-Canel He visited the Calixto García municipality, in Holguín, and the authorities of that eastern Cuban territory, in order not to make a fool of themselves, took resources to impress the president, including filling a dairy farm “forgotten” by the State.

According to a source who approachedCybercuba and requested anonymity, that municipality was unrecognizable, due to all the sudden “changes” they made in the town.

“That was wonderful,” said the aforementioned source to summarize the entire circus put together by the authorities in Buenaventura, the municipal capital.

“In Vaquería 18 they planted cattle, there is nothing there,” he explained.

But the “initiatives” to impress Díaz-Canel did not stop there.

"At the funeral home they also brought a new car, a luxury one... At the Buenaventura hospital there are no floor cleaners (cleaning staff), what did they do? They summoned the neighborhood helpers to come and clean," the source stated.

He also assured that the aforementioned health facility, that day, did not need anything.

“There was nothing needed to serve the people… everything was beautiful, the only thing was that they didn't throw plaques because the equipment was broken,” he alleged.

As if that were not enough, "they filled a bus with elderly people, who summoned them and took them as if they were going for a walk to the grandparents' circle, they planted a doctor there and that day they received luxurious care," he added.

Díaz-Canel was in the municipality of Calixto García last Saturday, February 24.

According to official media, the president was “accompanied by Roberto Morales Ojeda, Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the PCC and the highest authorities of the province,” in a territory where “he covered important economic and social objectives.”

At Vaquería 18, Díaz-Canel learned about “the prevalence of marabou, the lack of technical support and financial advice, the limited number of cattle and the mechanical milking system, which has been stopped for four years.”

They point out that he was also in a gastronomic complex, he met with members of the communist party and the grandparents' house, who they said "proudly awaited his visit."

As has become common in this type of tours in whichThe president decided to launch himself into the municipalities and assured that this time he would go to "places that do not work well", Díaz-Canel bathed in the town.

"We are not going to give up the dreams of possible prosperity; this people deserve it like no one else," were the words spoken by the ruler.

¿What has happened in other territories?

Recently,in Jamaica, the capital of the Manuel Tames municipality, one of the easternmost in the Guantánamo province and therefore in Cuba, Díaz-Canel told those summoned who were waiting for him in the streets of the territory that they were “visiting places where there are problems… to review what is wrong and how we can correct those inefficiencies,” detailed the provincial newspaperWe will win on your Facebook profile.

During his visit to two other municipalities, the ruler has had devotees who have been moved to the core by his visit.

The first was in Río Cauto, where three women spoke on television and praised the president.

For one of the women, now elderly, that visit was like "seeing God Fidel again."

Cubans on social networks created a reggaeton whose chorus is "Yo me erizo", a phrase that has gone viral due to the striking nature of its reactions compared to the standard of living that Cubans currently have.

Also in Palmira, province of Cienfuegos, at the end of a Cuban Television report they were seenseveral elderly people proud and satisfied with the president's visit to that municipality.

In that same municipality, Díaz-Canel called for intensifying agri-food production and, in an act of apparent naivety, stated that "Cubans spend a large part of their salary on food".

As if since the implementation of the so-called Ordering Task on January 1, 2021, Cuban families had not denounced the low access to basic foods and low salaries, the president said that economic actors must be integrated to strengthen local agri-food systems .

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