Cuban in Miami reacts to criticism that Cubans "are not prosperous and arrive with delay"

The only ones who crawl are snakes, so analyze and check yourself because all those jokes you are making are all for nothing.

A Cuban woman on TikTok (@la.mulatona30) has sparked a heated debate on the platform after responding to a critical comment about Cubans living abroad that claimed they were not prosperous and arrived with "delays and setbacks."

"We Cubans are indeed prosperous. The dictatorship has nothing to do with the prosperity of your mind," 'la mulatona' began her retort.

If you are Cuban and you are not prosperous, that's your problem. All Cubans are prosperous to me because, despite the work we have gone through in our land, we have come here and have succeeded. I'm going to tell you that Cubans built Miami. Maybe you are feeling dragged down, but I do not feel dragged down, nor does my family. The only ones that drag themselves are snakes. Analyze yourself and check yourself, all those remarks you are making are pointless," she said in her video, which has received a sea of comments reflecting a division of opinions.

Some showed support for his stance, praising the entrepreneurial spirit of Cubans and celebrating their success in Miami: "Cubans are indeed prosperous and fighters; what hurts some people is that"; "Miami was made by Cubans. Well said, we are blessed in this city"; "We are all millionaires just by having arrived in this country healthy and most with nothing," some said.

Others, on the other hand, questioned his perspective: "How much did you invest in Miami? Because when you came, Miami was already built. How many businesses do you have here?"; "Miami was built by the Cubans who arrived 50 years ago. When the Cuban arrived here, Miami had already been made for a while," they pointed out.

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